First Year
Course Number | Course Number | Credits |
PYPHY 101 | General Physics | 3 |
PYISL 101 | Islamic culture | 1 |
PYBIO 101 | Human Biology | 4 |
PYMT 101 | Medical Terminology | 2 |
PYENG 101 | English Language I | 2 |
PYAR 101 | Arabic Language | 1 |
PYSCS 101 | Study and communication Skills | 2 |
PYCHM 101 | General Chemistry | 4 |
PYMAT 101 | General Mathematics | 3 |
PYAI 101 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 2 |
PYENG 102 | English Language II | 2 |
PYIPE 101 | Introduction to Health Professions | 1 |
Second Year
Course Number | Course Number | Credits |
NFUN 201 | Fundamentals of Nursing I | 3 |
NHA 201 | Health Assessment | 3 |
GANT 291 | General Anatomy | 3 |
PHYS 291 | Physiology | 3 |
NAMT 102 | Advanced Medical Terminology | 1 |
NBCH 202 | Basic Biochemistry | 2 |
NFUN 202 | Fundamentals of Nursing II | 5 |
NHGD 202 | Human Growth & Development | 2 |
NPNE 202 | Professional Nursing Ethics | 2 |
NCOHR 202 | Communication & Human Relations | 1 |
NUTR 291 | Nutrition | 2 |
MIC 291 | Microbiology | 3 |
Third Year
Course Number | Course Number | Credits |
NMSN 301 | Adult Medical Surgical Nursing 1 | 6 |
NMGN 301 | Maternity & Gynecology Nursing | 6 |
PHA 291 | Pharmacology | 3 |
GPAT 291 | General Pathology | 2 |
NMSN 302 | Adult Medical Surgical Nursing II | 6 |
GPSY 291 | General Psychology | 2 |
NPED 302 | Pediatric Nursing | 6 |
NEPID 302 | Epidemiology | 2 |
Fourth Year
Course Number | Course Number | Credits |
NCECN 401 | Critical & Emergency Care Nursing | 6 |
NPSYM 401 | Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing | 6 |
BSTAT 291 | Biostatistics | 2 |
NSNR 401 | Scientific Nursing Research | 2 |
NCHN 402 | Community Health Nursing | 6 |
NNML 402 | Nursing Management & Leadership | 6 |
NGER 401 | Geriatric Nursing | 2 |
NANR 402 | Applied Nursing Research | 2 |
Fifth Year: Internship
Course Number | Course Number | Credits |
Internship year | The final year of the nursing program, and it is a capstone experience. In this year students will have hands-on experience to integrate the clinical skills and knowledge that have been acquired during their academic journey. |