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To encourage and support scientific research and innovation in order to inspire featured and sustainable solutions for the community's challenges


To promote scientific research and innovation and enhance the medical services in the community


To contribute to advancements in health and wellbeing, quality education, gender equality, and reduced inequalities through interdisciplinary research.

To provide a productive environment for scientific research and innovation.

To encourage scientific research and raise its level of quality in the College.

To encourage academic staff and students to conduct scientific research that support the College's strategy.

To provide financial support for research proposals from the College and external sources of funding.

To raise the efficacy of scientific research in the College and direct research towards excellence and quality through spreading the spirit of competition among researchers.

To serve the community by conducting scientific research aiming to solve problems related to the local issues.

Research Support

Ethical approval

Research Database

Research Financial Support

Specialist Research Equipment

Director of The Research Unit

Research Unit Director

Dr. Ikhlas Sindi

As Director of the Batterjee Medical College (BMC) Research, I'm thrilled to welcome you to our dynamic research community. At BMC, we believe that research and innovation are the cornerstones of a transformed knowledge economy for Saudi Arabia, a vision perfectly aligned with the ambitious goals of Vision 2030.
Our strategic plan, crafted in close harmony with BMC's overall vision, fosters an interdisciplinary environment where ethical principles are paramount. We champion ambitious research initiatives that tackle complex challenges, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries.
Our mission is to empower faculty and students to conduct high-quality research grounded in ethical practices. We facilitate the exploration of fundamental scientific questions and research addressing critical issues that impact our local and global communities. We strive to provide comprehensive resources, guidance, and support to ensure your research projects are well-designed, well-conceptualized, and executed with excellence

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