سجل الآن
  • اخلاص عبد العزيز سندي

    وكيلة الكلية لشطر الطالبات ورئيسة البحث العلمي بالكليه

    دكتوراة في الجينات الجزيئيه العصبيه: كلية الطب جامعة كوينزلاند, برزبن, استراليا ماجستير تخصص الجزيئات الحيويه، جامعة كوينزالند، برزبن،استراليا

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    مهتمه بعلم الوراثه والاعصاب الجزيئي وفهم الاضطرابات الجينيه العصبيه واختلالات التسلسل الجيني والطفرات التي تؤدي الى الاعتلالات العصبيه الوراثيه كالتوحد والزهايمر وغيره


    الدورالارضي-شطر الطالبات

  • صابرين رجب إبراهيم

    استاذ دكتور ، السنة التحضيرية

    الأستاذ الدكتور صابرين إبراهيم أستاذ كيمياء النواتج الطبيعية. وهي نائبة للجنة الأخلاقيات و للجنة العلمية في كلية البترجى الطبية. انضمت إلى كلية البترجى الطبية كأستاذة للكيمياء منذ عام 2021. وحصلت على درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة هاينريش هاينه، دوسلدورف، ألمانيا عام 2005، بعد حصولها على درجة الماجستير في العلوم الصيدلانية، كلية الصيدلة، جامعة أسيوط في مصر. عملت كأستاذ مساعد وأستاذ مشارك وأستاذ العقاقير في جامعة أسيوط وجامعة طيبة بالمدينة المنورة بالمملكة العربية السعودية. نشرت 267 منشورًا وبراءتي اختراع وثلاثة فصول في كتب مختلفة فى مجال تخصصها. و هى عضو فى هيئة تحرير أكثر من 35 مجلة. شاركت في أكثر من 30 مشروعًا بحثيًا على المستوى الوطني والدولي. تم تصنيفها ضمن أفضل 2% من أهم العلماء على مستوى العالم في مجالها على مستوى العالم، وفقًا للقوائم الصادرة عن جامعة ستانفورد من عام 2021 إلى عام 2023.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    الفصل و التعرف على النواتج الطبيعية بيولوجيا من المصادر المختلفة (البحرية والنباتية والفطريات). كيمياء و بيولوجيا النواتج الطبيعية. التوصيف الكيميائي للنباتات الطبية المستخدمة تقليديا


    شطر الطالبات، الدور الأرضي، الممر الأول

  • الدكتور حسان عزالدين يوسف سرسك

    رئيس برنامج العلاج الوظيفي ، أستاذ مشارك

    أخصائي علوم التأهيل والعلاج الوظيفي الدكتور حسان سرسك. حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه من جامعة بيتسبيرغ عام 2013. استشاري للتكنولوجيا المساعدة في منظمة الصحة العالمية. مطوّر أول برنامج تدريب كراسي متحركة عربي معتمد من الجمعية الدولية لمحترفي الكراسي المتحركة عام 2017 وهو أول مدرب دولي عربي معتمد من الشبكة الدولية للكراسي المتحركة. مطوّر أول برنامج علاج وظيفي معتمد من الاتحاد العالمي للمعالجيين الوظيفيين في قطاع التعليم الخاص السعودي عام 2019 وهو حالياً رئيس البرنامج في كلية البترجي الطبية. عام 2020، قام الدكتور سرسك باستحداث مشروع إثراء المحتوى العربي في علوم التأهيل والعلاج الوظيفي وهو مؤلف لأكثر من خمسة كتب في مجال التأهيل الطبي والعلاج الوظيفي باللغة العربية ومطوّر تطبيق OT Dictionary أول قاموس إلكتروني ومعجم رقمي في العلاج الوظيفي على مستوى العالم.  

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    مجال الصحة النفسية

    تدخلات الجلوس والكراسي المتحركة

    التكنولوجيا المساعدة

    تحسين إمكانية الوصول وسهولة الحركة للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة

    التعديلات البيئية وبيئة العمل

    الأطفال والتأهيل المدرسي

    التأهيل المجتمعي

    كبار السن وأمراض الشيخوخة

    تطوير المناهج

    التطوير المعرفي وزيادة الوعي بأهمية مهنة العلاج الوظيفي محلياً ودولياً.

  • محمد لطفي مرسي عاشور

    استاذ، برنامج الصيلة


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    النواتج الطبيعية؛ النباتات الطبية مراقبة الجودة؛ القياسات الكيميائية. التمثيل الغذائي للنبات. الكيمياء البحرية؛ إكتشاف العقاقير




  • محمد عمر يوسف

    استاذ مشارك . برنامج علوم الأشعة


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    الطب النووي ، التصوير الطبي ، العلاج الإشعاعي ومقاييس الجرعات ، الموجات فوق الصوتية ، الحماية من الإشعاع البيئي ، فيزياء الإشعاع الطبي.




  • زياد عمران

    استاذ مشارك، برنامج الصيدلة


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    الموجهة الأدوية ،الأدوية كتشافوإ تصميم الدوائية، الكيمياء




  • فواز بولشرى

    أستاذ مساعد في طب الأسنان المجتمعي


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    صحة الأسنان العامة ، الصحة العامة ، تعليم الأسنان وتقييمها ، علم الأوبئة ، الإحصاء الحيوي ، التبغ والصحة ، صحة الفم ، سرطان الفم

  • عبدالرحمن محمد فوده

    استاذ مشارك علم الامراض. برنامج الطب البشرى


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    سرطان الغدد الليمفاوية وسرطان القولون والمستقيم والثدي والجهاز البولي التناسلي




  • محمد عبد الدايم

    استاذ . برنامج الصيدلة


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    · الأدوية
    · السموم
    · الطب البديل
    · الحيوانات المعملية


    BMC - Main Section

  • محمد عادل غندور البشيش

    استاذ مساعد، برنامج إدارة الرعاية الصحية


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    إدارة الرعاية الصحية ، نظام المعلومات الإدارية ، جودة الرعاية الصحية وسلامة المرضى ، أداء السلامة

  • نديم اكرام

    استاذ مساعد. برنامج الطب


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    مهتم بإجراء البحوث والبحوث السريرية في مجال التعليم الطبي. شغف لتوجيه الطلاب والزملاء فيما يتعلق بتحليل البيانات على SPSS .


    شطر االطلاب

  • ياسر رفاعي سرور

    أستاذ مساعد. برنامج طب الأسنان


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    الأطفال أسنان طب الأسنان طب تعليم والأسنان للفم العامة الصحة


    المكتب الرئيسي-شطر االطلاب

  • رولا بيرم

    استاذ مساعد. برنامج الصيدلة


    الاهتمامات البحثية




  • أحمد فؤاد ابراهيم شكرى على حسن

    محاضر. برنامج طب الأسنان.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    أمراض اللثة. زراعة الأسنان تعليم طب الأسنان

  • محمد رشدى ابوالعزايم

    محاضر. برنامج طب الأسنان


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    أمراض اللثة . زراعة الأسنان· تعليم الأسنان. علوم المواد




  • Ayedh Alahmari

    Program Head, Respiratory therapy

    Dr. Ayedh Alahmari's primary research interest is in COPD exacerbations, with a particular focus on influence of weather and atmospheric pollution on patients with COPD, The relationship between exercise capacity and Inflammatory Markers at COPD Exacerbation, recovery and time course of exacerbation. Also, the current group as medical academic department we interested in medical education and students’ development.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Dr. Ayedh Alahmari's primary research interest is in COPD exacerbations, with a particular focus on influence of weather and atmospheric pollution on patients with COPD, The relationship between exercise capacity and Inflammatory Markers at COPD Exacerbation, recovery and time course of exacerbation. Also, the current group as medical academic department we interested in medical education and students’ development.


    Office 125, 1st floor, BMC main building, Jeddah campus

  • Mazen Homoud

    Assistant professor , Respiratory therapy

    Dr. Mazen Homoud  

    Graduated from the University of Taxes Health Science center at San Antonio (USA) in 2008 as respiratory therapist, Master's in Multi-Disciplinary Studies with focus in Polysomnography from Taxes State University, USA and finished with PhD in Health Sciences in 2019 from Seton Hall University, USA. 

    Worked as Respiratory Therapist for over 8 years at different tertiary Hospitals.   Worked as assistant professor at BMC from 2019-2021. Currently, I worked at King Abdulaziz University as a full time Assistant Professor, and consultant respiratory therapist at King Abdualziz University Hospital. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Dr. Mazen Homoud's primary research interest is in cardio pulmonary and sleep disorders with focus on OSA


    Office 325, 3rd floor, BMC main building, Jeddah campus

  • Rowaida Qoutah

    Lecturer , Respiratory Therapy

    MS in respiratory therapy. A lecturer in batterjee medical college. Have 3 published researches in the respiratory field 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Main interest is sleep disorders research with the focus of OSA. 

  • Layan Fahad Saaty

    Clinical Instructor , Respiratory Therapy

    Ms. Layan, an instructor in respiratory therapy at Batterjee Medical College, possesses a fervent dedication to both teaching and research. She earned her bachelor’s degree in respiratory therapy from Batterjee Medical College with 1st Honor. Her contributions to the field include upcoming publishing articles on various respiratory care topics, which will play a role in advancing the practice of respiratory therapy and healthcare.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    She has research interests in COPD, systematic effects of smoking, pulmonary function testing, and patient’s well-being.


    Office 324, 3rd floor, BMC main building, Jeddah campus

  • Weaam Rahali

    Clinical instructor , Respiratory therapy

    Ms.weaam rahali is a respiratory therapy clinical instructor with a passion for teaching and critical care clinical practice. She holds a bachelor's degree in respiratory therapy from Batterjee medical college. She has published articles on respiratory care topics contributing to advancements in respiratory therapy.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    She has research interests focusing on sleep disorders, a Comparative Study Among Cigarette, Electronic Cigarette and patient outcomes in chronic respiratory disease.


    Office 326, 3rd floor, BMC main building, Jeddah campus

  • Noran Harbli

    Clinical Instructor , Respiratory therapy

    Respiratory therapist “clinical instructor” with a passion for teaching and critical care clinical practice. I completed my bachelor's degree in respiratory therapy from Batterjee medical college, in 2021 and worked for 1 year in IMC in Pulmonary Function Test lab. I have 2 years' experience in education.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Respiratory therapist “clinical instructor” with a passion for teaching and critical care clinical practice. I completed my bachelor's degree in respiratory therapy from Batterjee medical college, in 2021 and worked for 1 year in IMC in Pulmonary Function Test lab. I have 2 years' experience in education.


    Office 324, 3rd floor, BMC main building, Jeddah campus

  • Gokul Krishna G

    Lecturer , Respiratory Therapy

    Mr. Gokul Krishna completed his BSc. RT from Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences in 2013 and worked for 1 year as clinical respiratory therapist. He has also completed his master's degree in respiratory therapy (Pediatrics and Neonatal Intensive Care) from Manipal College for Allied Health Profession (India) in the year 2017. He went on to join as an Assistant professor in Respiratory Therapy Department (SOAHS) at Manipal, India. Mr. Gokul Krishna continued in the academic domain and joined Batterjee medical college as assistant professor in 2018 and continued till date. He is also an NRP Instructor, PALS and ITLS provider. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    He has indexed publications, and area of research interests includes RT Education, Sleep, simulation and Neonatal intensive care/respiratory care.


    Office 309, 3rd floor, BMC main building, Jeddah campus

  • Ann Mary Jose

    Lecturer , Respiratory Therapy

    Mrs. Ann Mary Jose is a respiratory therapy lecturer with a passion for teaching and clinical practice. She holds a master's degree in respiratory therapy (adult cardiopulmonary respiratory care) from Manipal college for Health Professions, MAHE, India and has over 6 years of experience in the field. Her field of specialization includes pulmonary function test and Respiratory Diseases Management. She has published articles on respiratory care topics contributing to advancements in respiratory therapy education and practice.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Mrs. Ann’s research interests focus on pulmonary function tests, patient outcomes in chronic respiratory disease conditions and development of educational strategies for respiratory therapy students. 


    Office 326, 3rd floor, BMC main building, Jeddah campus.

  • Sultan Alshehri

    Lecturer , RT program

    Master's degree in medical education. Mini MBA. Project management professional and certified business professional with a collective of 20+ years in critical care, education, and management 

    الاهتمامات البحثية


    3rd floor. Office 310

  • Majed Alkahtani

    Lecturer , Respiratory Department

    Lecturer and Respiratory Therapist with six years of experience in ICUs and the emergency department at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre. My expertise is working with both adults and children, including involvement in code and rapid response teams. I have a background in working with heart and lung transplant patients and acute illness patients in the ICUs. I graduated from Tennessee State University with a bachelor's degree in Cardio-Respiratory Care Sciences, and in 2023, I completed my master's degree in Cardiovascular and Respiratory Healthcare at the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Research areas of interest are focused on chronic airflow obstruction and use of solid fuels in low- and middle-income countries

    Cardiopulmonary diseases

    Chronic respiratory diseases


    Main building, third floor, office: 309

  • Abdulrahman Alkhathami

    Lecturer , Respiratory Department

    Lecturer and Senior Respiratory Therapist with more than 13 years of experience in ICUs and Emergency Departments. Successful at implementing best practices to continuously advance respiratory therapy outcomes. Strong healthcare services professional with a Master of science focused on Respiratory Therapy from Georgia State University

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Aerosol therapy and its application.


    Sleep studies

    Cardiopulmonary diseases


    Main building, third floor, office no. 310

  • Ziyad Alshahrani

    Lecturer , Respiratory Therapy

    Lecturer and senior hold a Master of Science in Respiratory Therapy from Georgia State University with over 6 years of experience in ICUs and emergency departments. I'm skilled at improving respiratory therapy learning outcomes.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Research areas of interest are focused on pulmonary rehabilitation, COPD, and respiratory education. 

  • Faisal Alshehri

    Faculty Lecturer , Respiratory Therapy

    Self-directed respiratory therapist with passion for patient-focused care and continuing education. Founder of the biggest community for Respiratory Therapy in Saudi Arabia “RT Questions Groups” on Telegram.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Pulmonary Trends in Health Care, Respiratory Therapy Specialty Occupations, Ventilator Management, E-learning


    Main building, third floor, office no. 321

  • Amal Alsalamah

    HOP/ Assistant Professor , Radiological Sciences

    I’m a consultant Radiographer with over fifteen years’ experience in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Ultrasonography. I'm assistant professor with teaching skills where I use my educational and learning experience in training ultrasound via blended learning and simulation. I gained excellent management skills in organizing projects and teamwork during my study and work in the UK 15 years ago. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Medical education
    Blended learning 


    Office #311

  • Saddig Jastaniah

    Vice Dean of Hospital Affairs

    A Full Professor of Radiation Physics.  Expertise in curriculum development.  Having knowledge in teaching and administration with organized working as a consultant for over 20 years in several Saudi universities. Vice Dean for hospital affairs in addition to a variety of research, 47 publications and projects supervision.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Digital Radiation Detection Systems

    Medical Imaging and signal processing

    Medical Education

    Medical imaging technology

    Environmental Radiation Protection

    Medical Radiation Physics


    Office # 26

  • Hanady Elyas Osman

    Assistant professor , Radiological Sciences

    Dr.Hanady recieved her PhD degree in Diagnostic Radiological technology 2017 from Sudan University of Science and Technology, she had more than 9 years educational experience in KSA and Sudan Universities. She works as a Head of Radiology department at Al-Ghad international college for Medical Applied Sciences, Jeddah.  Dr. Hanady has many publications in highly reputed Journals. she published more than 26 scientific Paper in highly impacted scientific international journals. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Diagnostic Radiography Interventional MR Echocardiography- Dental Radiography-Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging- Digital Radiography -MR Image Reconstruction -Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Computed Tomography  


    Office # 319

  • Adel Alghamdi

    Head of Preparatory Year , Assistant Professor

    Dr. Adel Alghamdi, Head of the Preparatory Year at Batterjee Medical College, has extensive experience in academic teaching and management, as well as significant expertise as a Senior Medical Technologist at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh. He holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Liverpool and has extensive expertise in embryonic stem cell research, including proficiency in various molecular biology techniques.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Embryonic stem cell culturing, re-culturing, and research project planning within biochemistry and stem cell biology, with proficiency in qPCR, Real-time PCR, PCR, Western Blot, ELISA, Sandwich ELISA, and data analysis using various software.


    Office Location: 12 (127A), first floor.

  • Mai Albaik

    Assistant Professor , Program Research Coordinator

    Dr. Mai Albaik, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at Batterjee Medical College since 2019, holds a PhD and MSc in Biochemistry from King Abdulaziz University, along with a PG Dip. and B.Eng. in Food Science from the University of Aleppo. She collaborates with Lund University's Clinical and Molecular Osteoporosis Center in Sweden. As a prolific researcher and Program Research Coordinator, she has published extensively in prestigious journals and authored a book chapter on vitamin D. Dr. Albaik serves as Editor and Reviewer for prestigious scientific journals, participates actively in conferences, and has received four awards for her scientific contributions

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Vitamin D, Osteoporosis, Obesity, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Metabolic Syndrome.


    Office Location: 207, second floor

  • Nouf Fahad Sharaf Alshreif

    Assistant Professor of English

    Dr. Nouf Alshreif is an Assistant Professor of English at Batterjee Medical College. She is the Head of the English Department at the Preparatory Year Program and the Vice Chair of BMC Social Responsibility Unit. She holds a PhD in Composition and Applied Linguistics with a concentration in Learning Psychology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She holds a Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. In addition, she holds a Master's Degree in Public Policy and Administration from California Lutheran University. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in English and Education. Dr. Alshreif is a scientific researcher and educator who received a number of scientific and teaching awards. Dr. Alshreif received First Place Professional Display Poster at the 10th International Family Medicine Conference-Dubai. Dr. Alshreif received the Scholar for the Deam Award 2019 from the National Council of Teachers of English in USA. In addition, she received the Teaching Excellency Award 2017 From Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Writing Knowledge Transfer

    Second Language Writing

    Writing Center Studies


    Ground Floor-Female Section First Corridor

  • Osama Rashad Elgendy

    Assistant Professor , Preparatory Year

    I gained a PhD in Pure Mathematics in 2013 from Ain Shams University. The subspecialty was abstract algebra. My research interests are in Abstract Algebra, Fuzzy Algebra, Algebraic Geometry, Numerical Analysis, and General Topology.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Fuzzy mathematics, Abstract Algebra and Algebraic Geometry.


    2nd floor, Office #203

  • Mohammad Fatehi Hasan

    Assistant Professor of physics , Preparatory year

    I have a PhD in theoretical nuclear physics. My work is centered on scattering and quantum mechanics.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Quantum mechanics, Scattering


    Male side, 2nd floor, office number 203

  • Ali Osman Selim

    Professor , Physical Therapy

    I am a professor of Physical therapy with more than 26 years of teaching experience for undergraduate and postgraduate students in physical therapy for integumentary system and post-operative cases. I got my bachelor's master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Physical therapy from the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt. I was promoted to professor degree in 2023. I worked since (1998-2013) in the faculty of Physical Therapy, at Cairo University, Egypt. Then I moved to Saudi Arabia to work in Batterjee Medical College as an associate professor. I have been the head of the physical therapy program since 2017.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    My research interest focuses on the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of integumentary system disorders (burn wounds and skin diseases) and rehabilitation before and after surgical cases (general, bariatric and oncology surgeries).



  • Osama Abdelraouf Ibrahim

    Professor , Physical Therapy

    Dr. Osama Abdelraouf is a professor of physical therapy who spent over 30 years teaching in highly ranked Universities in different countries. This may be the reason he adopts multicultural education, where histories, texts, values, beliefs, and perspectives of people from different cultural backgrounds are incorporated. His unique approach in education helped to improve student attitudes towards his courses, as well as their ability to look at things from a broader context and from different angles. He used to teach a diversity of courses including Biomechanics, human kinesiology, sports injuries, musculoskeletal radiology, as well as basic psychology that serves to add a deeper dimension to his comprehensive teaching philosophy.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Dr. Osama has much high-quality research work which focus on biomechanical analysis, muscle imbalance, and rehabilitation strategies used to help patients with mechanical musculoskeletal pain. In 2005, he owned the republic accolade from the Egyptian government for his major contribution in the field of sports rehabilitation.


    3rd floor. Room no. 312

  • Usman Thattarauthodiyil

    Professor , Physical Therapy

    Usman T is currently working as a professor and program coordinator of physical therapy at Batterjee Medical College, P.O. Box 6231, Jeddah 21442, KSA.  With 26 years of incredible experience in diverse areas encompassing teaching, research, and clinical practice with soundtrack record of scholastic achievements over the career span, successfully guided and mentored graduate, and post graduate students. Obtained the master’s degree in advanced PT in Orthopedics from Dr. MGR medical University, India and PhD from Mangalore University, India.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Areas of research interests include Musculoskeletal and sports physical therapy


    BMC, 2nd floor, office# 223

  • Mohamed Abdel Fattah Abdel Ghafar

    Professor , Physical Therapy

    Dr. Mohamed A. Abdel Ghafar is a distinguished professor of physical therapy at Batterjee Medical College in Jeddah, where he has been imparting knowledge for over two decades. Additionally, he serves as a faculty member on October 6 University in Egypt, contributing to the education of aspiring physical therapy professionals.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Dr. Mohamed A. Abdel Ghafar's research focuses on pediatric rehabilitation, aiming to improve therapeutic interventions for children. He also explores neurological physical therapy to enhance treatment protocols for neurological impairments. Additionally, he integrates community service and education to promote health and wellness through physical therapy


    3rd floor. Room no. 312

  • Mariam Elsayed Mohamed

    Professor , Physical Therapy

    I am a professor of Physical therapy with more than 20 years of teaching experience for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Department of Physical Therapy for cardiovascular/ respiratory disorders and geriatric. I got my master’s and Ph.D. in Physical therapy from the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt. I was promoted to professor degree in 2022. I worked since (2001-1-13) in the faculty of Physical Therapy, at Cairo University, and then moved to Saudi Arabia to join Batterjee Medical College as an associate professor. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    My research interests are improving physical therapy practices, narrowing the gap between scientific knowledge and clinical implementation, and enriching evidence-based practice for better outcomes among patients. My work is focused on preventing and treating Cardiovascular and Respiratory disorders and Geriatric physical therapy for seniors and elderly subjects.


    3rd floor. Room no. 320

  • Reem S Dawood

    Assistant Professor , Physical Therapy

    I joined BMC in 2012 till now as an assistant professor of physical therapy. My specialty is the basic sciences of PT, I teach many subjects related to electrotherapy, therapeutic exercises, musculoskeletal, and clinical practice. I am the coordinator of the labs in PT program. Previously I worked as a PT lecturer at the Saudi German Institute for Nursing and Allied Health (SGNA) in Jeddah and Madina, where I spent there around seven years teaching most of the PT subjects and I was the head of the PT department there. I have an extensive clinical experience; that before I joined the teaching I was working as a PT specialist for about twelve years in many hospitals and centers in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Jeddah and Madina).

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    musculoskeletal, sport injuries, and therapeutic modalities


    3rd floor. Room no. 323

  • Olfat Ibrahim

    Professor , Physical Therapy

    Dr. Olfat Ibrahim is a professor of Physical therapy with more than 20 years of teaching experience for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Basic Science for Physical Therapy. She got her master’s and Ph.D. in Physical therapy from the Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt. She was promoted to professor degree in 2023. She worked since (2001-17) in the faculty of Physical Therapy, at Cairo University, and then moved to Saudi Arabia to join Batterjee Medical College as an associate professor. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Dr. Olfat Ibrahim Ali research interest is to improve Physical therapy practices and diminish the gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical application and enrich evidence-based practice for better patient's outcomes. My research focuses on the prevention, treatment of musculoskeletal & pediatric disorders and women's health well-being.


    3rd floor. Room no. 320

  • Fatimah Mustafa S Saidi

    Lecturer , Physical Therapy

    I am a physical therapy instructor with over 8 years of experience teaching the clinical part of physical therapy subjects to bachelor's students. I completed my master’s degree in physical therapy at King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Physical Therapy in 2022. I have been working in the Department of Physiotherapy at Batterjee Medical College from 2015 to date, initially working as a clinical instructor and was promoted to lecturer in 2023.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    My research interests will focus to improve physiotherapy practice, reduce the gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical application, and enrich evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes, and in prevention, treatment of musculoskeletal and sports injuries, and on understanding  biomechanics in different ways.


    3rd floor. Room no. 323

  • Mohamed Abdel Daim

    Professor , Pharmacy

    Mohamed Abdel-Daim; Ph.D. is a highly cited researcher (worldwide top 1% in his field), according to Clarivate (2023). He is a professor of Pharmacology, Pharmacy Program, Batterjee Medical College. He obtained his Ph.D. in medical sciences from Kobe University, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan.

    Prof. Abdel-Daim's research work recognition has awarded him various research prizes, including the State Encouragement and the State Excellence Awards from the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Cairo, Egypt, in 2014 and 2019, respectively.  He served as an associate editor in Q1 journals belonging to different publishers.  

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    The areas of research interest include Pharmacology, Drug Toxicology, Neuropharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology, Alternative Medicine, Environmental Pharmacology & Toxicology, and Pharmacogenomics.


    Venue (e.g., office, lab, etc.) Office Number 217, 2nd Floor, BMC

  • Ahmed A. Elberry

    Professor , Pharmacy

    Ahmed A. Elberry, PhD, is currently a Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice at Batterjee Medical College, P.O. Box 6231, Jeddah 21442, Saudi Arabia. With 26 years of experience in teaching and research at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, Dr. Elberry has published over 85 papers in international ISI journals and supervised more than 30 MSc and MD theses for postgraduate students in both the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Faculty of Medicine. He obtained his PhD in Medical Sciences and Pharmacology from the Faculty of Medicine at Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Areas of research interests include Cardiovascular, respiratory and renal Pharmacology, in addition to clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 


    Office Number 211, II Floor, BMC

  • Anan Yousif Bakr Howsawi

    Lecturer of Pharmacy Practice

    Anan Howsawi is recognized for her proactive approach to advancing within the pharmacy education and pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. She gained her master’s in science in clinical pharmacy from the university of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK.  Anan's research interests include pharmacy education and training for undergraduate students, enhancing Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences, as well as focusing on pharmacotherapeutics and Pharmacoeconomics.

    So far, she supervised two research groups which depicts her dedication to education, research, and professional development positions. She is passionate about building and nurturing her impact on literature specialized in pharmacy profession and connections with fellow research pharmacists and colleagues in the affiliated institute, hospitals, or pharmaceutical companies, aiming to expand her network and collaborate for mutual growth.

    الاهتمامات البحثية


    Main Campus, 2nd floor, office (212)

  • Bshaer Mohammed Jameel

    Lecturer , Pharmacy

    Bshaer Mohammed Jameel is a lecturer in pharmacy, Pharmacy Program, Batterjee Medical College. She obtained her Masters of Science in Pharmaceutical science-Industrial Pharmacy from University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, United states.   

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    The areas of research interest include Pharmaceutics, Industrial Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics.


    Office Number 215, 2nd Floor

  • Heba Abdel Moniem Gad

    Professor , Pharmacy

    Heba Abdel Moniem Gad is currently a professor of pharmaceutical sciences at Batterjee Medical College since November 2021. She got his PhD in 2013 from the Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, Egypt. Since then, she has conducted research on different aspects related to drug delivery systems. She coauthors about 50 highly indexed publications in Scopus or Web of Science (research articles, review articles, book chapters). She is a reviewer in many peer-reviewed journals. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    The main research interest is drug delivery with special emphasis on lipid nanocarriers’ preparation and characterization. She is focusing on the delivery of nanocarriers to overcome the biological barriers to target small molecules including brain and cancer targeting.


    Office Number 213, II Floor, BMC

  • Muhammad Afzal

    Professor , Pharmacy

    Dr. Muhammad Afzal is presently working as Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Program, Batterjee Medical College, P.O. Box 6231, Jeddah 21442, Saudi Arabia. With 14 years of teaching and research experience at undergraduate and post graduate levels, Dr Afzal published 7 patents (6 USA and 1 Indian), 190 Research/Review articles and 15 Book Chapters, He worked as Principal Investigator in his research group working on Non Communicable diseases. He has successfully completed more than 20 funded research projects as Principal Investigator and Co-investigator.

    الاهتمامات البحثية


    Office Number 216, Second Floor

  • Mohammad Jaffar

    Associate Professor , Pharm D

    Mohammad Jaffar is presently working as Associate professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Program, Batterjee Medical College, P.O. Box 6231, Jeddah 21442, Saudi Arabia. With 16 years of teaching and research experience at undergraduate and post graduate levels, Mohammad Jaffar published 57 Research/Review articles,1 Book Chapter.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Thirst area of research includes Neuropharmacology and drug discoveries for the treatment of neurological diseases, Biology of cancers and anticancer drug development. 


    Office Number 216, II Floor, BMC

  • Nehmat Ghaboura

    Assistant Professor , Pharmacy

    Dr. Nehmat Ghaboura is presently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, and Head of Pharmacy Program, Batterjee Medical College, P.O. Box 6231, Jeddah 21442, Saudi Arabia. She has 13 years of experience in teaching and administration and 13 publications. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    The main area of interest is the experimental research with expertise in Invitro and Invivo Experimental Cardiovascular research, mechanical ventilation for rats and mice, induce myocardial infarction invivo in rats, ischemia-reperfusion model in rats, induce diabetes and metabolic syndrome in rats and mice, langendorff-Isolated Heart technique, computerized planimetry and Western blot technique.


    Office Number 214, II Floor, BMC

  • Syed Imran

    Assistant Professor , Nursing

    I am a quality-oriented nursing professional with 14-years of career and a skill set directly relevant to my professional role including curriculum development, teaching-learning, and nursing research. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Mental Health and illness, Substance abuse, Oncology Nursing, Clinical ethics, Complementary therapies.


    Male Side, 3rd Floor-BMC

  • Boshra Mohammed

    Associate Professor , Nursing

    I have 27 years of experience in education, nursing practice and research of nursing profession as general and more specifically in pediatric nursing and actively involvement in community services activities.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Pediatric Nursing Pediatric Oncology Nursing, Clinical ethics, Complementary Therapies, Nursing education. 


    Female Side, 3rd Floor-BMC

  • Marwa Ahmed Shahin

    Associate professor , Nursing

    I have 16 years of experience in education, nursing practice and research 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Woman Health, cancer Research, Evidence based Practice

  • Nadia Abdalla Mohamed Aly

    Professor , Nursing

    I have 31 years of experience in education, nursing practice and research of nursing profession as general and more specifically in obstetric and gynecological nursing education and actively involvement in community services activities

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    The best research on all thing’s obstetrics and gynecology, especially evidence-based practice on postpartum hemorrhage. 


    Female Side, 3rd Floor-BMC

  • Ahmed Abdulghany Eldamanhory

    Assistant Professor-Biochemistry , Medicine

    (M.B.B.S.) (M.Sc.) (M.D.) (Ph.D.)

    Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    Head of Biochemistry Department

    Block Leader of Respiration and Circulation - M2

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    DM- stem cell - Genetics - cancer and chemotherapy


    Office #228-2nd floor-male section

  • Ehab Abo Ali

    Professor , Medicine

    Ehab Abo Ali was borne in Tanta (Egypt) in 1973. He received his MD degree in Community Medicine from Tanta University in 2009.He supervised many of Master and MD theses. He published many local and international research. He attended many of national and international conferences. Currently, he is the HOD Community Medicine, BMC, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

    الاهتمامات البحثية


    Community Medicine


    Mental Health Promotion

  • Hader Ibrahim Sakr

    Associate Professor , General Medicine Practice

    PhD. D. in Medical Physiology from the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt in 2016. Associate professor degree in 2021.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Research work in the fields of endocrinology, hepatorenal and musculoskeletal Physiology


    Office # 244, 2nd floor, male area

  • Ibrahim Ahmed Zaki Aiad

    Lecturer of Pediatrics , Medicine

    (M.B.B.S.) (M.Sc.)

    Master of pediatrics, Cairo University

    Lecturer of pediatrics

    Coordinator of pediatrics department, BMC

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    General Pediatrics and Pediatrics subspecialties e.g. Neonatology, cardiology, respiratory, growth and development.


    Office # 227, 2nd floor, male side, BMC

  • Mohammad Shahid Iqbal

    Assistant Professor , Medicine

    Completed M.B.B.S in 2004 and M.D (Pathology) in 2009. Has vast work experience of nearly 14 years in the capacity of Assistant Professor and Pathologist in renowned medical colleges and hospitals. Joined prestigious BMC in 2023. Well versed with scientific teaching and learning methods, horizontal and vertical integrated teaching, block based-integrated curriculum, and student-centered learning methods. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Has a strong interest in scientific research, with over 30 publications in peer-reviewed and international journals. Areas of interest: Hematology, Oncopathology, Molecular Pathology, Diagnostic histopathology, Cytology, Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


    Office# 242

  • Moustafa Alsaied Alsawy

    Associate professor , Medicine

    MD / PhD: Al Azhar University (Histology and cell biology) Date of award 2007
    Master (MSc): Al Azhar University (Histology and Cytogenetics) 11-1-2004
    MBBCh: Al Azhar University (Medecine and surgery) 12-1998

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Cell biology, Molecular biology, and Histology


    Office #244, second floor male side

  • Sherine Magdi

    Assistant professor , Medicine

    M.B.B.Ch , M.Sc , MD in Physiology
    Physiology department, Faculty of medicine, Banha University, Egypt.
    Physiology department, Batterjee Medical College,Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Biological and physiological sciences


    Office 238-2nd floor-Female area

  • Abdelhamid Elsify

    Associate Professor of Human Anatomy, Embryology& Neuroanatomy. Head Of Anatomy Department

    PH.D in Human Anatomy, Embryology&Neuroanatomy

    Block Leader of Growth & Development M1

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Anatomy, Embryology, Histology,Genetics,Stem cells


    Office#A222-2nd. floor

  • Abdullah Mohammed Alagali

    Lecturer , Medicine

    PhD. D. in Medical Laboratory from the Faculty of Ribat 2019, Master Degree in Sudan University, Sudan in 2010. BSc Degree in Sudan University 2005.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Research work in the fields of Cytology, histopathology and immunohistochemistry  and Molecular Biology  


    Office #244, 2nd floor, male area

  • Atef Hamed Hamed Asal

    Lecturer of Pediatrics , Medicine

    Master of pediatrics, Alexandria University
    Lecturer of pediatrics 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    General Pediatrics and Pediatrics subspecialties e.g. gastroenterology


    Office # 243, 2nd floor, male side

  • Faten Alhemrany

    Assistant Professor , Medicine

    Assistant Professor in Microbiology Department in Battejee Meical college. Quality coordinator of General Medicine Practice Program.
    PhD in Medical parasitology, Graduated from faculty of Medicine. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Medical Parasitology and vector-borne diseases


    Office 238, 2nd floor

  • Jina Khalid Mohammed Fadl

    Assistant professor & Head of department obstetrics & gynecology

    Dr. Jina got her clinical MD in obstetrics & gynecology in 2020-Sudan medical specialization Board, she worked as teaching assistant then assistant professor at University of Khartoum for >10 years.Facilitator & instructor of postgraduate courses such as RCOG Basic practical skills & ALSO.Membership of Academy of medical educator-2015, ECFMG certificate in 2014.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Preconception care
    High risk pregnancies
    Medical education
    Women’s health 


    Office: 238- second floor

  • Mohamed Roshdi Herzalla

    Associate Professor and Head of Internal Medicine Department

    Currently an associate professor and head of internal medicine department, general medicine practice program, Batterjee Medical College.
    Associate professor of Internal Medicine (Diabetes and Endocrinology Unit) Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt.
    Formerly: Registrar of internal medicine at United Doctors Hospital (UDH), Jeddah, KSA. (ACHSI accredited)

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Clinical and basic science research in:

    Diabetes and Endocrinology.

    Obesity and  other metabolic disorders

    Liver diseases.


    Office 234 2nd floor, male area

  • Muhammad Reihan

    Associate Professor , General Medical Practice

    Cardiology Consultant. Scientific researcher and author with a number of publications at many international and local journals. Reviewer for many local and international journals Editor at International Journal of Medical Arts (IJMA)

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Cardiology, Adult Education, Cardiac Imaging


    Office # 242

  • Mohamed Elmutasim Elsheikh

    Lecturer, PhD , General Medicine Practice


    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Molecular identification of the antimicrobial resistance encoding genes using PCR.
    Production of microbial diagnostic tests


    Office # 245

  • Uzma Asif

    Assistant Professor Biochemistry , Medicine

    PhD in medical biochemistry with extensive interest in bioinformatics and computational chemistry.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Utilization of biochemical and computational models to investigate critical aspects of metabolic disorders and disease pathogenesis to identify and develop novel therapeutic molecules, ultimately improving patient care and public health outcomes. 


    Room # 237, Female side, 2nd floor, BMC

  • Muhammad Awais

    Lecturer Microbiology , Medicine

    I did bachelor's in pharmacy from   University of Peshawar, Pakistan in 2002. Completed M. Phil in Microbiology from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan in 2006. Currently, working as Lecturer Microbiology and Head of Academic Advising Committee in BMC, Jeddah-Saudi Arabia.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Bacterial synthesis of antimicrobial metabolites


    Office # 245, 2nd Floor

  • Manal El Said

    Professor and Head of Microbiology Department, Head of Assessment Committee

    MD in Medical Microbiology and Immunology 2008, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt. Diploma in Global Strategy for Hospital Hygiene, 2005, Claude Bernard University (Lyon1), France, M. Sc. in Medical Microbiology, and Immunology, 2002, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt  M.B. B.Ch., 1997, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    My research interest is medical microbiology including the diagnosis and antimicrobial susceptibility of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. My research interest is also extended to infection control in hospitals and antibiotics stewardship.


    Office 232, 2nd floor female section

  • Remah Moustafa Ahmed Kamel

    Professor , Medicine

    University staff for over 20 years with an interest in teaching medical students (undergraduates & postgraduates) and conducting clinical research.

    الاهتمامات البحثية


    Assisted Reproduction.


    Office 229, 2nd floor, Male side

  • Mohamed Mahmoud Elfiky

    Professor , Medicine

    Professor of anatomy and embryology 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Stem cells in the treatment of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS


    Office #243 second floor male side

  • Shakeel Ahmed Ansari

    Associate Professor , Medicine

    I am honored to serve in the Biochemistry Department at Batterjee Medical College. My academic journey has been driven by a deep passion for scientific exploration and a commitment to nurturing the next generation of scholars. I am working on “Enzyme Biology” and development of “Nanotechnology based platforms”.

    الاهتمامات البحثية



    Office # 227

  • Rafat Alhindi

    Lecturer , Health Management

    MHA, lecturer in Health Management at Batterjee Medical College , Program coordinator 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Health Administration, Risk Management, Health Informatics  


    2nd floor Office 222

  • Nadia Fanous

    Assistant Professor , Health Management

    Dr. Nadia Fanous, an Assistant Professor in Health Management at Batterjee Medical College, Jeddah, KSA. She holds a PhD in Management from the University of Glasgow, UK, a master’s in health management and policy, and a B.S. in Environmental Health, from the American University of Beirut, in Beirut, Lebanon. Dr. Fanous has experience in leading healthcare research initiatives, resulting in the production of cutting-edge research papers and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field. 

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Evaluate potential models to enhance patient centered care in the region; Evaluating and developing public health communication interventions and policies; studying the determinants of health of different health products


    3rd floor- Office 301

  • Mohammad Adel Ghandour AL Bsheish

    Assistant Professor , Health Management

    Dr. Mohammad Al-Bsheish is an Assistant Professor in the Health Management Department at Batterjee Medical College (BMC). Al-Bsheish received his Ph.D. in Healthcare Management from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Malaysia. His experience has been extended in both practical and academic fields for 16 years. Lastly, Al-Bsheish has several publications in highly indexed journals, and he is registered in several professional entities such as the SCHS, JNMC, and MUAAJ.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Health Management, Safety Performance, Quality and Patient Safety.


    Second floor, Office #222B

  • Lujain Samarkandi

    Assistant Professor /Head of Health Management Program

    Dr. Samarkandi earned her Ph.D. in Professional Leadership in Health Science from Seton Hall University the Department of Interprofessional Health Sciences and Health Administration, and Master of Science in Healthcare Administration from the University of New Haven. Dr. Samarkandi’s experience relies on all aspects of health management including health leadership, strategic management, and healthcare financial management.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Her research areas of interest are health information management, electronic and personal health records, healthcare quality, public health informatics, and health policies.  She has a particular interest in administrative-level leadership issues and improving the quality of healthcare outcomes from the organizational level to the focus of the patient-centered care model.


    First floor- Office 110

  • Mohamed Samir EL Nawawy

    Assistant professor , Dentistry

    I was born in Egypt and graduated from Mansoura University and got a PhD in conservative dentistry and Endodontics in 2014 and associate professor in 2024

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Conservative dentistry, endodontics, composites, adhesive dentistry, and rotary files.


    Office #306

  • Mahmoud El Homossany

    Professor , Dentistry

    I graduated from Ain Shams University 2001.I got My PHD 2012.I got professor title 2023.I have 16 Publications in the field of prosthodontics.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Digital Dentistry, Implantology, Removable Prosthodontics


    Office # 305

  • Harshkant Gharote

    Professor , Dentistry

    I am Oral physician and possess expertise in diagnosis and management of oral lesion. Being oral and maxillofacial radiologist, I assist in diagnosis of bony conditions related to jaws and temporomandibular joints.   

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Oral cancer and premalignant disorders
    Cone-beam computed tomography


    Office #307, Third floor

  • Kanishk Gupta

    Associate Professor , Dentistry

    I am a Periodontist and treat gum diseases. I do laser treatment and Implant placements. I got M Perio from prestigious The Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, UK, and FAIMER from Philadelphia, US.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    CBCT, Lasers in Perio, Periodontal surgeries, Periodontal Medicine. 


    Office 303, Third floor

  • Gufaran Ali Syed

    Associate Professor , Dentistry

    Did PhD in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics from India in 2017. Performs RCT to remove the infected and inflamed pulp and save the tooth, while using cutting-edge tools & techniques for a comfortable, pain-free experience.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Local anesthesia during RCT, CBCT, Root canal morphology, Endodontic emergencies, Traumatic injuries, Re-RCT


    Office 303, Third floor

  • Ahmed Mohammed Saaduddin Sapri

    Assistant Professor of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

    Dr. Ahmed MS Sapri is an Assistant Professor and the Head of the OMFS Division at Dentistry Program – BMC. He obtained his PhD degree in OMFS (2014) from Mansoura University, Egypt under the tutelage of the late Professor Mohammed Kenawy and Dr. Fouad Albelasy well-known and eminent OMFS professors.

    الاهتمامات البحثية

    Dental Implantology
    Jaws Reconstructive Surgeries
    Maxillofacial Traumatology


    Office 306

سياسة ملفات الارتباط

ايستخدم هذا الموقع ملفات تعريف الارتباط لتحسين تجربة المستخدم الخاصة بك. من خلال القبول والإغلاق عند زيارة الصفحة لأول مرة ، فإنك توافق على استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط